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      公司業(yè)務(wù)范圍主要集中在為客戶(hù)減少人工,提高品質(zhì)與效率為目的的精密自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)設備的量身設計與制造,對應不同的客戶(hù)戶(hù)訂制不同的方案,滿(mǎn)足不同階層客戶(hù)的需要,公司以“追求完美,與時(shí)俱進(jìn),永創(chuàng )新高”為核心價(jià)質(zhì)觀(guān),秉承“誠信立世,共贏(yíng)天下”的服務(wù)理念,以“質(zhì)量第一,服務(wù)至上”為質(zhì)量方針,建立永續經(jīng)營(yíng),持續發(fā)展的經(jīng)營(yíng)策略,并憑借穩健的經(jīng)濟實(shí)力,高素質(zhì)的設計團隊,先進(jìn)的管理模式和全新的服務(wù)理念及過(guò)硬的服務(wù)質(zhì)量,與客戶(hù)精誠協(xié)作共贏(yíng)。

     Foshan Bohong Automation Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional customized design customized automatic tapping machine, automatic tapping machine, automatic drilling machine, automatic drilling and tapping machine factory enterprises, Guangdong province is located in Nanhai District of Foshan City, Guicheng Yue Xiang Yu forest community Industrial Park (from the Guangzhou South Railway Station only 5 minutes), the company registered capital of 500 thousand, our design team and the assembly engineer are automatic tapping machine for more than 10 years, the automatic drilling machine assembly design experience.
     The company's business scope mainly concentrated in the manual for customers to reduce the design and manufacture, tailored to improve the quality and efficiency of precision automatic production equipment for the purpose of, corresponding to different customers customized households of different options to meet the needs of different classes of customers, the company to "pursue perfect, keep pace with the times, never hit a record high price of quality" as the core concept. Adhering to the "good faith, win-win" service concept, with "quality first, service first" is the quality policy, the establishment of sustainable management, sustainable development strategy, and with solid economic strength, high-quality design team, advanced management mode and new service concept and excellent service quality, and customer sincere cooperation and win-win.
     Our aim is for the customer to do the five guarantee: the equipment stability is guaranteed, the full automatic tapping efficiency is guaranteed, the precision is guaranteed, after the sale is guaranteed, the delivery time is guaranteed. We have the equipment mainly used in automobile, motorcycle, baby stroller, steel furniture, sports fitness equipment, leisure products, bathroom equipment, air conditioner, shipbuilding industry, metal processing industry machinery complete sets of equipment, provide perfect. In the domestic counterparts in a leading position, widely applicable to the different needs of customers. After many years of business to build, our products are trusted by the majority of customers.